Tuesday, 29 January 2013

The Bishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

The Bishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate


Metropolitans Chrysostom
  of Austria, Chrysostom of Myra, and Archm. Gennadios take blessings from Pope Paul IV at St.
  Peter's (June 29, 1967).
This section on the bishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate serves as a kind of brief supplement to the webpages on the Patriarchs themselves. These are the men who do the day to day work of carrying out their Patriarch’s apostate policies. Even if they do not get the amount of press coverage that their leaders do, they share their passion for uniting with heretics no less than Athenagoras, Demetrios, or Bartholomew. The following short article and photographs should serve to confirm the story of the apostasy told in the previous webpages and assure the reader that the Ecumenical Patriarchate is absolutely permeated with ecumenism from top to bottom.
Metropolitan Nektarios
  of Kalymnos [EP], dressed, appropriately enough, like a Roman Catholic Cardinal.(Athens, February of
  1994) - Hierarchs Damaskenos and Ambrosios (of Diavleia) and presbyters Stephanos
  (Abramidкs) and Evangellos (Mantzouneas) of the EP take blessings from the head of the
  Anglicans, Archbishop George Carey of Cantebury (who denies the Resurrection of Christ)!

 Even when hundreds of Roman Catholic priests abandoned the priesthood and their Church during the past three decades, the Orthodox Eastern Church systematically avoided receiving them into Her bosom in order to avoid poisoning Her relations with the elder Church of Rome. And when whole parishes in Europe, in Italy, for example, wished to embrace Orthodoxy, once again, we discreetly shut the door to them. Since Orthodoxy is persuaded that she does not need proselytism, she preferred to leave thousands of former Roman Catholics by themselves and without guidance....” (1)
Such a policy corresponds well not only to the words and deeds of Metropolitan Nectarios’ Patriarch, but also to those of his fellow hierarch, Archbishop Iakovos (Koukouzelis) of North and South America:
 We do not want to leave this century divided...Dogmatically, sacramentally, historically, we are almost Roman Catholics. We are most [sic] close to them than any other church. Now we have to get rid of the misunderstanding caused by nine centuries.” (2)
The goals of such apostate policies are, as the reader knows, not limited to the union with Rome, nor is it desired by the Ecumenists that any of the heretics should convert to Orthodoxy, but rather as Archbishop Iakovos assures us:
“The unity we seek cannot be Orthodox, Roman Catholic, or Protestant. It has a wider dimension, that of Catholicity.”(3)
For those who do not know, the Greek word katholike or ‘catholic’ means ‘universal’ or ‘according to the whole’; therefore, as the context of the statement demands, Archbishop Iakovos means “It has a wider dimension, that of Universality” [i.e. the unity embraces all groups or religions?!].
Gathering for the
  “Ecumenical Doxology of Peace” (Washington, D.C., July 9, 1990), Archb. Iakovos with
  fellow hierarchs worships together with Roman Catholics, Protestants, Jewish Rabbi Tzeпms
  Roъntin, Muslim Imam Feпsal Chбn, and others.
“[W]e now clearly realize and understand that our two families [Orthodox and Monophysites- editor] have always loyally guarded the same and authentic Christological Orthodox faith, and have maintained uninterrupted the apostolic tradition although they may have used the Christological terms in a different manner. It is that common faith and that continual loyalty to the apostolic tradition which must be the basis of our unity and communion... The two families accept that all the anathemas and the condemnations of the past which kept us divided must be lifted by the Churches so that the last obstacle to full unity and communion of our two families can be removed by the grace and the power of God. The two families accept that the lifting of the anathemas and the condemnations will be based on the fact that the Councils and the fathers previously anathematized or condemned were not heretics....” (4)
Chrysanthos, the
  Metropolitan of Lemesou (Cyprus) together with a Melkite Papist priest, performs a
  ‘marriage’ in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Lemesou.A much younger
  Chrysostom of Kition reverently kisses Pope Paul IV's left hand after seeking his blessing.
After completing yet
  another interreligious prayer service to the supposed ‘Common Father’, Archbishop
  Stylianos (Charkianakкs) of Australia poses for this photograph with the rest of the
  participants (Roman Catholics [Bishop E.B. Clancy of Sydney], Protestants, Jews, Muslims,
  Buddhists, Sikhs, etc.) [Sydney, Australia, May, 9, 1988 ].
Archb. Stylianos lead one of the prayers: “Lord, the King of Peace, show the way to the minds and hearts of those here in this house, working to carry out Your holy will, towards service of the needs of Your People, not discerning distinct communities....”
Archbishop Stylianos of Australia, despite his erudite background, irrationally and blasphemously maintains that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church has never yet existed:
‘[T] he individual and even the whole Church has never received the gifts of the Spirit sufficiently’ ‘This is precisely why the well known characteristics of the Church, being “one, holy, catholic and apostolic” remain until the day of the Parousia [i.e., 2nd Coming of Christ] both gifts and postulates [i.e., unproven claims!] at the same time’ ”. (8)
To say that the Church’s traits of being “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic” are (potential) gifts and unproven claims is to affirm that the Church has never yet been One, Holy, Catholic, or Apostolic! However, Archb. Stylianos goes much further than this, as one (now-excommunicated) E.P. layman has had the boldness to describe:
“[Archb. Stylianos]... preaches Christ’s participation in sin,... maintains that the notorious film by Kazantzakis and Scorcese “The Last Temptation”, portraying our Lord as a debauchee, contains no blasphemy,... declares that Orthodoxy and Papism are in no way different and constitute one Church; that man has descended from an ape; and that Holy Scripture is a great fabrication! ”(9)
Truly, these men “have thrust away faith and a good conscience and suffered shipwreck concerning the Faith” [1 Tim. 1:20].