Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Proud of being Greek

Hi and Congratulations for this informative and awesome blogspot after you watching the below video you will understand why i am writing this letter.
First of all, I'm proud of myself in general.
Secondly, yes, I'm very proud of being Greek.
For many reasons that have not to do with Classical Antiquity, like other nationality people may believe. A Greek has also other things to be proud of, things that have to do with the 'spirit' and the mentality of Greek people. Inventive, so 'in love' with freedom, passionate people, made most of the time the right choices in their history, even if temporarily they seemed to be wrong, we managed- one way or another- through many difficulties to survive and to create a modern country (despite the problems), in a difficult Balkan 'neighborhood'.
We have a rich culture, not only ancient, but modern Greek culture too.
 I am Aussie-Greek born and raised in Adelaide 100% Greek Orthodox Christian. I found this video and i feel discusted of myself how i can call my self Greek -Orthodox with this man leading the Australia Greek Orthodox Churches???
Sorry Sir but in Australia we are Greeks 100% and proud of our history and of our Nation.
I know this brief video can't make change because many people been "brainwashed"but thanks God i woke up and dont belong anymore to the Category of the brainwashed where i  used to belong. Wake up

Friday, 8 February 2013

Be aware of the Fake Clergy

Beware of those who speak and publish in opposition to God’s true prophets.

“For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: … and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:3–8).
According to the Lord Jesus, there are "many" false prophets in our present day that willcopyrighted wolf in sheep clothing "deceive MANY people" (Mt. 24:11). Though these false prophets might claim to know and communicate God's truth, they are spreading lies (Jer. 14:14). According to the loving Lord Jesus, false prophets are really hungry, dangerous, ferocious wolves dressed in sheep's clothing (Mt. 7:15).Hence, they can be as spiritually deadly and dangerous to Christians (sheep -- Jn. 10:27) as a concealed, savage wolf is among a flock of sheep!
Again, "many" will be deceived by religious, innocent-looking-but-deadly enemies of Christianity, who bring the way of truth into disrepute (2 Pet. 2:1,2).The Apostle Paul clearly stated that there are teachings which actually come from "demons" through false teachers (1 Tim. 4:1, 2) and that Satan has servants which masquerade as servants of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:15).Though disturbing, these are facts.
 They confess the spirit of Ecumenism which is the Spirit of Evil.