- which Spirit was in Canberra? The holy spirit or another spirit?
- Have they given an Orthodox testimony?
- How the Archbishop Stylianos accepted this forfeiture of the Orthodox Church?
Orthodox People
"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.Matthew 7:15
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Canberra 1991 the forfeiture of the Orthodoxy in Australia
Monday, 4 March 2013
For everyone familiar with Church history, particularly with the history of its struggle with heresies, it is becoming clear that ecumenism is the heresy of heresies. The World Council of Churches has "concentrated in itself, like in a certain focus, all blasphemy, delusions and oppositions to Truth which existed throughout the entire spiritual history of mankind, from Cain, Ham to Judas the traitor, Karl Marx, seducer Freud, and all our contemporary blasphemers" [5].
As we look at what is going on in the contemporary world, we involuntarily remember the words of St. Nilus the Myrrh-bearer concerning the end-times when "in their wicked deeds men will surpass the demons and will be of one spirit with them" [6] .
We live in the age of apostasy, the age of false values. The total apostasy from God is the sign of our times and it is inseparably bound with ecumenism. The mirage of ecumenism, its substitute for Christian charity, is promoted and glorified throughout the world. At the present time all Local Churches belong to the WCC, except the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad [7].
In 1983 the Bishops' Council of the Church pronounced anathema against ecumenism. Its text reads as follows:
"To those who attack the Church of Christ by teaching that Christ's Church is divided into so-called "branches" which differ in doctrine and way of life, or that the Church does not exist visibly, but will be formed in the future when all branches or sects, or denominations, and even religions will be united into one body; and who do not distinguish the priesthood and mysteries of the Church from those of heretics, but say that the baptism and eucharist of heretics is effectual for salvation; therefore, to those who knowingly have communion with these aforementioned heretics or who advocate, disseminate, or defend their new heresy, commonly called ecumenism, under the pretext of brotherly love or the supposed unification of separated Christians, Anathema!" [8].
Metropolitan Vitaly writes: "By pronouncing anathema against ecumenism, the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad is protecting its flock from this apocalyptic temptation. At the same time it has involuntarily imposed a serious task upon the conscience of all local Churches as, sooner or later, they will have to resolve this issue in one way or another. Their further spiritual destiny in the Orthodox Church will depend on how they solve this problem. De jure, this anathema pronounced by us is of a purely local character (of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad), but, de facto, it is of great historical and universal significance only because ecumenism is itself the heresy of a universal scale. The place of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad is apparently on the conscience of all Orthodox Christians. This is the large cross which the Lord has placed on our shoulders. It is impossible to keep silent any longer, because any further silence could be likened to a betrayal of the truth, and may God deliver us all from that" [9].
Only the "little flock" remains faithful to Christ, knowing that the Lord will not leave comfortless those who love Him (John 14, 18).
The canonical purity of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad now attracts a great number of people in Russia who are pure of heart. The official lies and slander which the Moscow Patriarchate casts on the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and its parishes in Russia, are now useless.
The time will come when the Moscow Patriarchate will be made answerable before God for the damage done by ecumenism to longsuffering Russia. It is terrible to go against the truth of the living God and to create the church of "the wicked". What will happen, if through its sins the MP will soon lose grace, and this will become obvious to all, especially to the "little ones" whose pure faith alone upholds the holy Orthodoxy in Russia?
Check out the link with the churches who participate the S.A council of churhes:http://www.sacc.asn.au/en/index.php?rubric=en_who_members
What is Heresy?
In a letter to his spiritual child Amphilochios of Iconium written c. 373 A.D, St. Basil the Great distinguishes three ways in which there can take place a separation of a baptised person from the communion of the Orthodox Church. These three ways affecting Christian unity were said to be heresy, depending on whether a disagreement fell on actual faith in God, on church discipline or on ecclesiastical rulings.
Heresy. From the writings of St.Basil we find that from antiquity heretics were considered to be people
In describing the impropriety of those who originate rival assemblies St. Basil uses the term nondiscipline the opposite of the good order and discipline of the church. Each parasynagogue or constitution of a rival assembly implies the breach of ecclesiastical unity resulting in exclusion from the Eucharistic Communion of the Church.
Canon 5 of the Council of Nicaea (324A.D) speaks of breaches of church unity caused by unruly clergy. According to the canon the end result for the unruly clergy is “to become excommunicated”. The cleric becomes excommunicated, not necessarily in the juridical term, but in the sense that unless he repents he can no longer receive Holy Communion in the Church in which alone abides the Holy Spirit.
Today the concepts of heresy-schism-parasynagogue in a certain manner overlap and in this sense constitute an indivisible unity.
Where does this place the few "ECUMENISTS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCHES"?
The few so called Greek Orthodox Ecumenists Churches are indeed a heresy that to some is exposed but to many others is camouflaged. The fact that it camouflages itself means that it causes more harm than an exposed heresy. In Adelaide these “churches” are generally regarded as heretical in that their potential for communion into the Genuine Orthodox Church is prayerfully anticipated and patiently waited.
Due to the extraordinary characters serving in Adelaide’s Few Ecumenists Greek Orthodox Churches, these churches present themselves mainly as Canonical.
These Churches are camouflaged with the word "Canonical" (many Priests, Bishops, luxurious Churches") But the heresy remains there.
Heresy. From the writings of St.Basil we find that from antiquity heretics were considered to be people
Heresy is a disagreement , a discrepancy on vital issues of faith and culminates in the negation of the unity of God and the Church. As causes of separation St. Basil mentions pride and arrogance originating in the human faculty of free choice . Because it was an act of deliberate choice, heresy was not tolerated in the churches. Its authors were cautioned first; then if they refused to obey, they were excommunicated from the churches.“who were altogether broken off and alienated in matters relating to faith.”
In describing the impropriety of those who originate rival assemblies St. Basil uses the term nondiscipline the opposite of the good order and discipline of the church. Each parasynagogue or constitution of a rival assembly implies the breach of ecclesiastical unity resulting in exclusion from the Eucharistic Communion of the Church.
Canon 5 of the Council of Nicaea (324A.D) speaks of breaches of church unity caused by unruly clergy. According to the canon the end result for the unruly clergy is “to become excommunicated”. The cleric becomes excommunicated, not necessarily in the juridical term, but in the sense that unless he repents he can no longer receive Holy Communion in the Church in which alone abides the Holy Spirit.
Today the concepts of heresy-schism-parasynagogue in a certain manner overlap and in this sense constitute an indivisible unity.
Where does this place the few "ECUMENISTS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCHES"?
The few so called Greek Orthodox Ecumenists Churches are indeed a heresy that to some is exposed but to many others is camouflaged. The fact that it camouflages itself means that it causes more harm than an exposed heresy. In Adelaide these “churches” are generally regarded as heretical in that their potential for communion into the Genuine Orthodox Church is prayerfully anticipated and patiently waited.
Due to the extraordinary characters serving in Adelaide’s Few Ecumenists Greek Orthodox Churches, these churches present themselves mainly as Canonical.
These Churches are camouflaged with the word "Canonical" (many Priests, Bishops, luxurious Churches") But the heresy remains there.
No question divides contemporary True Orthodox Christians
more than the question whether or not the ecumenist Orthodox, i.e. those
Orthodox who are members of Churches belonging to the World Council of Churches,
possess the grace of sacraments. Some have argued that “the question of grace”,
as we shall call it, is a secondary issue. The important thing, they say, is to
agree that Ecumenism is a heresy and flee from communion with the heretics.
However, a moment’s thought will demonstrate that there can hardly be a more
important question than that whether some millions of people calling themselves
Orthodox Christians have the grace of sacraments and are therefore members of
the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church having a good hope of salvation,
or, on the contrary, do not have the grace of sacraments and are therefore
outside the Church and on the path to destruction. Hard as one may try, it is
impossible to escape this question; for the answer one gives to it affects in a
significant way one’s attitude to the ecumenist Orthodox. Are they like the
people of whom the Apostle Jude says: “On some have compassion, making a
difference” (v. 22), since their sin is not a sin unto death, a sin that
estranges them completely from the Church? Or are they like those of whom he
says: “Others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the
garment spotted by the flesh” (v. 23), because their sin is not only a sin unto
death, estranging them completely from the Church, but also contagious, liable
to contaminate us if we are not extremely careful in our relations with, and
attitude towards themThe Orthodox Church as a whole is unerring and invincible,” writes Metropolitan
Cyprian. “It is possible, however, for Christians and for local Churches to fall
in faith; that is to say, it is possible for them to suffer spiritually and for
one to see a certain ‘siege of illness within the body of the Church’, as St.
John Chrysostom says. It is possible for Christians to separate and for
‘divisions’ to appear within the Church, as the Apostle Paul writes to the
Corinthians. It is possible for local Churches into fall into heresy, as
occurred in the ancient Orthodox Church of the West, which fell into the
heresies of Papism and Protestantism and finally into the panheresy of
Please check out the link for the churches that are members to the church world council in South Australia : http://www.sacc.asn.au/en/index.php?rubric=en_who_members
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Proud of being Greek
Hi and Congratulations for this informative and awesome blogspot after you watching the below video you will understand why i am writing this letter.
First of all, I'm proud of myself in general.
Secondly, yes, I'm very proud of being Greek.
For many reasons that have not to do with Classical Antiquity, like other nationality people may believe. A Greek has also other things to be proud of, things that have to do with the 'spirit' and the mentality of Greek people. Inventive, so 'in love' with freedom, passionate people, made most of the time the right choices in their history, even if temporarily they seemed to be wrong, we managed- one way or another- through many difficulties to survive and to create a modern country (despite the problems), in a difficult Balkan 'neighborhood'.
We have a rich culture, not only ancient, but modern Greek culture too.
I am Aussie-Greek born and raised in Adelaide 100% Greek Orthodox Christian. I found this video and i feel discusted of myself how i can call my self Greek -Orthodox with this man leading the Australia Greek Orthodox Churches???
First of all, I'm proud of myself in general.
Secondly, yes, I'm very proud of being Greek.
For many reasons that have not to do with Classical Antiquity, like other nationality people may believe. A Greek has also other things to be proud of, things that have to do with the 'spirit' and the mentality of Greek people. Inventive, so 'in love' with freedom, passionate people, made most of the time the right choices in their history, even if temporarily they seemed to be wrong, we managed- one way or another- through many difficulties to survive and to create a modern country (despite the problems), in a difficult Balkan 'neighborhood'.
We have a rich culture, not only ancient, but modern Greek culture too.
I am Aussie-Greek born and raised in Adelaide 100% Greek Orthodox Christian. I found this video and i feel discusted of myself how i can call my self Greek -Orthodox with this man leading the Australia Greek Orthodox Churches???
Sorry Sir but in Australia we are Greeks 100% and proud of our history and of our Nation.
I know this brief video can't make change because many people been "brainwashed"but thanks God i woke up and dont belong anymore to the Category of the brainwashed where i used to belong. Wake up
Friday, 8 February 2013
Be aware of the Fake Clergy
Beware of those who speak and publish in opposition to God’s true prophets.
“For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: … and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:3–8).
According to the Lord Jesus, there are "many" false prophets in our present day that will "deceive MANY people" (Mt. 24:11). Though these false prophets might claim to know and communicate God's truth, they are spreading lies (Jer. 14:14). According to the loving Lord Jesus, false prophets are really hungry, dangerous, ferocious wolves dressed in sheep's clothing (Mt. 7:15).Hence, they can be as spiritually deadly and dangerous to Christians (sheep -- Jn. 10:27) as a concealed, savage wolf is among a flock of sheep!
Again, "many" will be deceived by religious, innocent-looking-but-deadly enemies of Christianity, who bring the way of truth into disrepute (2 Pet. 2:1,2).The Apostle Paul clearly stated that there are teachings which actually come from "demons" through false teachers (1 Tim. 4:1, 2) and that Satan has servants which masquerade as servants of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:15).Though disturbing, these are facts.
They confess the spirit of Ecumenism which is the Spirit of Evil.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Persecution of Holy Esphigmenou Monastery Mount Athos
fathers of Esphigmenou struggle against the heresy of ecumenism which states
that there is no one church which possesses the Truth. The Orthodox Church believes, as the monks of
Esphigmenou Monastery believe, that the Church has never lost the Truth or its
unity. The Nicene Creed states the Orthodox Church’s dogmatic basis, “I believe
in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
I believe in one baptism.”
Ecumenism rejects these fundamental truths of the church by teaching that
there are many churches and many baptisms.
beliefs of ecumenism and the beliefs of Orthodoxy are mutually exclusive. You can either believe in the Creed or
you can believe in ecumenism, not both.
By embracing ecumenism Patriarch Bartholomew has embraced a belief in
conflict with the teachings of the Orthodox Church. This is what the monks object to and what they wish
to discuss with the Patriarch. There is not a single saint of the
Church, ever, who believes in what Patriarch Bartholomew teaches and practices
with regards to ecumenism, and this has caused great concern on the part of the
monks. The Patriarch refuses to allay those concerns and refuses to engage in
constructive dialogue with the monks. He has, however, demanded an apology
in writing for questioning him.
In 2002, the Patriarchate sponsored 3 experts to draft a
paper describing the situation at Esphigmenou and to recommend a course of
action. This report arbitrarily disregards the Charter of Mount Athos and the
church cannons in an attempt to incriminate the monks of Esphigmenou,
threatening the very essence and survival of the region by trampling on the
autonomy enjoyed of Monasteries for 1,000 years. The prosecutions legal brief places blame on the Esphigmenou fathers on
the grounds that:
a) the
Esphigmenou monks ceased commemorating the Patriarch,
b) the
Monastery’s failed to comply with the Patriarchal committee’s and the Mt. Athos
Community’s 1974 and 1979 exile sentences, and
c) the
Monastery’s refused to participate in the institutions of the Mt. Athos
Community through representatives.
The commemoration of the Patriarch and his Synod is an
extremely important matter for which one must take into consideration, both the
Mt. Athos Charter, and the Rudder of the Orthodox Church. The regulations that
are inscribed in the Rudder have been promulgated by the Holy Apostles and the
Fathers of the Church through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and are
therefore immutable. What is more, one must take into account the centuries-long
tradition of the Holy Mountain.
We cannot enumerate all the erroneous views and deeds of the last three Patriarchs
here. It should suffice to say, however, that instead of being corrected, these
views and deeds continuously multiply. We will refer to only a few actions of
the current Patriarch that alienate him from the Orthodox Faith.
a. The unilateral
“lifting” of the anathema against the Roman Catholic Church in 1965.
b. The agreement
of Balamand, signed by representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, stating
that “the Orthodox Church along with the Papal community have the same Apostolic
Succession and the same validity in their mysteries”, represents a deviation
from the Orthodox Faith.
c. The Patriarch
Bartholomew referring to the representatives of the Pope on November 30, 1998
said : “In view of the fact that one Church recognizes the other Church as a
locus of Grace, proselytization of members from one Church to the other is
precluded.” (See Εκκλησιαστική Αλήθεια, December 12, 1998) This implies that it
is not necessary to preach since we are really one and the same faith”.
Why are the monks
being evicted?
Mainly one reason –
they refuse to commemorate the Patriarch and as a show to others not to dare
dispute with the Patriarchate. Evidence of this is seen today, where bishops can
say and do anything contrary to the church teachings and get away with it as
long as they continue to commemorate the Patriarch. The monks struggle is for
truth and the true orthodox way of life which the Patriarch is attempting to
silence. The Cannons of the Church
require monks and others to cease commemoration if their Bishop preaches
beliefs that go against the teachings of the church. The monks are well within
their right to do this as have many other Greek, Serbian, Russian and Orthodox
Churches today.
What is the impact of
being called “schismatic”?
Unlike the Great Schism of 1054 where there were fundamental
differences of faith. The Patriarchate and others now use this
declaration as an extortionary tool to force people to obey him – not on matters
of faith. Some examples:
Over 25 churches in Australia have been declared as schismatic,
for the simple reason that they did not sign over the deed from their church
community to the Patriarchate.
Every new ecumenical
gathering comes up with something new and spiritually more sinister. This was
particularly clearly demonstrated at the last 7th Ecumenical Assembly of the
World Council of Churches held Feb. 7-20 of 1991 in Canberra. The main theme of
the Assembly was the Holy Spirit: "Come Holy Spirit, Make New All
Creation". It is interesting to note that throughout the history of the Church,
all heretics and apostates invariably stumbled against the Holy Spirit. With
their words or actions they blasphemed against Him which, according to our Lord
Jesus Christ "shall not be forgiven... neither in this world, nor in the
world to come" (Mt. 12, 31-32).
We advise everyone, who is inclined to naive ecumenical fraternization, to make a sign of the cross and carefully read the words of an "Orthodox" bishop quoted below. The sermon, entitled "Orthodox Liturgy" was presented in Canberra by Australian Archbishop Stylianos (Patriarchate of Constantinople). This sermon subsequently appeared as Document N: WO 10. 1, and providentially came into our possession through one of the participants of this Assembly. Judging by marginal notes this person was utterly horrified by what he heard. In view of the extreme importance of this document, we feel compelled to quote from it extensively [503]. The sermon [504] of Archbishop Stylianos literally reads as follows:
«Although our 7th General Assembly is convened under the characteristic epiclesis of the Holy Spirit to "renew the whole creation", I am afraid that the majority of us contemporary Christians, regardless of denominational orientation, live in great confusion, if not unacceptable ignorance, concerning... the Holy Spirit... In this regard, one could say that Christians of the twentieth century are even less certain about the Holy Spirit than Christian groups or individuals (including the Holy Fathers? - L.P.), disputing the Holy Trinity in the fourth century. ...Although we have produced erudite Trinitatrian essays and also in our public worship are increasingly introducing Trinitarian prayers or direct invocations to the Holy Spirit, the bitter reality is that the Spirit still remains, for the average Christian the "unknown God" - with the exception of course, of our Pentecostal sisters and brothers, whose theology, compared with the Trinitarian doctrine of the Undivided Church (i.e. the Orthodox Church - L.P.), must at least be characterized as a militant "Pneumatomonism". The well-known Orthodox theologian Paul Evdokimov [505] significantly observed that, while the Son is the image of the Father and the Spirit the image of the Son, the Paraclete remains until the day of the Parousia without any full image which would reveal and testify to Him. This sacred paradox, which at first glance appears to be a disadvantage for the third person of the Holy Trinity, is in reality His deepest personal attribute and grandeur. ... As one may easily see, this our interpretation would without any difficulty comply with the profound spirit of the entire Christian ethics, according to which the individual and even the whole Church has never received the gifts of the Spirit sufficiently. This is precisely why the well-known characteristics of the Church, being "one, holy, catholic and apostolic", remain until the day of the Parousia both gifts and postulates at the same time.» (emphasis by Stylianos, underlined by us - L.P.)
The speech of Dr. Chung, Professor of Theology, a female Presbyterian participant from Korea, in keeping with the theme of this Assembly, was dedicated to a spirit, or "spirits" to be more precise. This speaker presented a show -- a mixture of black magic and spiritualism: surrounded by ritual masks she kindled a flame in her palm accompanying this act by incantations in English. Participants of this Assembly, including 38 messengers from the Moscow Patriarchate, saw and heard, while some of them possibly also participated in this blasphemous act, which began with the words: "Welcome, Holy Spirit! May your rhythm revive us! Come Holy Spirit and make the Universe new!" This was followed by the summoning of the spirits of "infants killed by Herod; the souls of crusaders, aborigines of different countries who died in colonial wars, the souls of people killed in China and Lithuania". She remembered also "the spirit of the earth, air and water, this spirit crucified by greedy passions of man". At the end of the show she called out: "Come, Spirit of Jesus Who was crucified!" [506]
After the show, this South Korean ecumenist warmly thanked participants of the Assembly for the attention given to her plenary report. Among other things she said: "I consider that what matters is power. Whoever has the power, gives direction. Who may lead and dictate when we deal with the power of the Holy Spirit? Until now, the right to lead was in the hands of the Church authorities, Holy Fathers, men, scholars, the class of privileged people in civilized countries. I announce that now, we represent the new, postcolonial generation, we are the new paradigm, the new wine, which cannot be poured into old wineskins. Yes, we are dangerous! But here too, the Holy Spirit does his part; by renewing the church it helps mankind to survive" [507]
So, this is the new paradigm of the new church! The terrible other side of ecumenism, this dark phenomenon of our days which loves to disguise itself in humane, egalitarian and peace-loving garments.
The World Council of Churches which Metropolitan Kirill (Gundyaev) called "our communal house" [508] has all too-openly bared its anti-Christian essence. This makes it impossible for us to regard this organization and the objectives it pursues, as a manifestation of "Christian love, "striving towards unity", or "witness of Christianity in the secularized world".
The atmosphere of this ecumenical meeting was, it appears, so stifling that it gave rise to criticism even amongst some theologically tolerant and liberal ecumenists-participants.
Ecumenical blasphemy manifests itself in different ways. It is noteworthy also that the same publication of the Sixth Assembly has printed the mocking picture of a Crucifix, among other spiritually ugly ones, as well as the picture of a completed Tower of Babel, as a symbol of peoples once again united (in apostasy?) [509], and the Bulletin of the Seventh Assembly held in Canberra which has the title "Assembly Line" that bears a very remote relation to religion, contains a smutty image of a female "trinity" [510].
This Seventh Universal Assembly abounded in impudent challenges thrown at Christianity. Particularly scandalous was the "Orthodox" liturgy conducted on the rostrum of the conference hall. The same rostrum which served as the stage for Prof. Chung's performance, for theatrical performances and also ritual dancing of the Australian aborigines.
It may be easily assumed that this service conducted amongst heretics and outspoken idolaters, was neither a Liturgy of the catechumens, and even less a Liturgy of the faithful.
The meeting in Canberra abounded in abominable acts. A photograph displayed in the third issue of the Bulletin depicts clouds of smoke rising above the bonfire made by aborigines which, according to the text under the photo, "purifies" the participants of the Assembly on their way to a church services [511].
One cannot help but recall the holy martyrs, the pious Prince Michael of Chernigov and his boyar Theodore (+1246, commemorated Feb. 14 and Sept 20) who preferred martyrdom to walking through the ritual heathen bonfire! The council of the ungodly in Canberra offered a variety of "church services". Besides the "mass" of sodomites there were "silent" services of the Quakers [512], "hot services" of the Evangelical church, accompanied by jazz music (in the announcement they were referred to as "Go Hot Gospel") [513]. On the rostrum of the conference hall, half-naked African musicians and aborigines with their deafening music were creating, apparently, a distinctive audio background for joint interconfessional "prayers", thus preparing the ground for the "unification of all in eucharistic communion". The words said by Metropolitan Kirill (Gundyaev) are of interest in this connection. We quote them verbatim: "I am deeply convinced that the churches should take with them whatever takes place at the Assembly, carry it within themselves (!), and take it to their people. By doing this they will prove that ecumenism is the movement of churches, and not just of individual representatives of the theological elite who have come to Canberra and who view the results of the Assembly with indifference." [514]
The results of this last (and the previous) Assemblies of the World Council of Churches are far from irrelevant to all those who love Christ! The path of ecumenism is the path of syncretism that leads to perdition.
According to Archbishop Vitaly (now Metropolitan and the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad) "here we have ancient Arianism, Monophysitism, Monothelitism, Iconoclasm, Pelagianism, and simply all kinds of perverted beliefs under completely different names of contemporary sects, which have joined together to take the Church by storm. This phenomenon is certainly of an apocalyptic nature" [515].
Christ's warning words about "the false prophets in sheep's clothing", who "inwardly... are ravening wolves" (Mt. 7, 15) are particularly comprehensible to those of us, who witness "Orthodox" hierarchs-ecumenists corrupting their clergy and their flock with this soul-destroying heresy. When accepting Ecumenism, people lose their spiritual vision and will be quite well prepared to receive, instead of Christ, the one who will come in his own name, i.e. Antichrist.
It is hardly surprising therefore that true Orthodox Christians, particularly monks, do not want to have anything in common with ecumenists, including the ruling "Orthodox" Archbishops, who have tainted themselves by participating in this anti-Christian movement.
An upholder of Orthodoxy, St. Joseph of Volotsk, based his canonical views on the idea that hierarchical status is valid only on the condition that hierarchs remain faithful to Holy Tradition. According to St. Joseph, the principle of church discipline remains intact as long as the hierarchs satisfy the requirements of their high position. As to priests and bishops violating this faithfulness, St. Joseph quotes St. Athanasius the Great: "It is better to assemble in church for prayer without them than to be cast into hell fire in the fashion of Annah and Caiaphas." Let us remember that St. Joseph of Volotsk himself, in spite of his rank of Abbot, was not afraid to expose the Metropolitan of All Russia who turned out to be a heretic.
Feb. 7-20 of 1991 in Canberra. The main theme of the Assembly was the Holy Spirit: "Come Holy Spirit, Make New All Creation". Which Spirit was there? The Holy Spirit or another Spirit?
We advise everyone, who is inclined to naive ecumenical fraternization, to make a sign of the cross and carefully read the words of an "Orthodox" bishop quoted below. The sermon, entitled "Orthodox Liturgy" was presented in Canberra by Australian Archbishop Stylianos (Patriarchate of Constantinople). This sermon subsequently appeared as Document N: WO 10. 1, and providentially came into our possession through one of the participants of this Assembly. Judging by marginal notes this person was utterly horrified by what he heard. In view of the extreme importance of this document, we feel compelled to quote from it extensively [503]. The sermon [504] of Archbishop Stylianos literally reads as follows:
«Although our 7th General Assembly is convened under the characteristic epiclesis of the Holy Spirit to "renew the whole creation", I am afraid that the majority of us contemporary Christians, regardless of denominational orientation, live in great confusion, if not unacceptable ignorance, concerning... the Holy Spirit... In this regard, one could say that Christians of the twentieth century are even less certain about the Holy Spirit than Christian groups or individuals (including the Holy Fathers? - L.P.), disputing the Holy Trinity in the fourth century. ...Although we have produced erudite Trinitatrian essays and also in our public worship are increasingly introducing Trinitarian prayers or direct invocations to the Holy Spirit, the bitter reality is that the Spirit still remains, for the average Christian the "unknown God" - with the exception of course, of our Pentecostal sisters and brothers, whose theology, compared with the Trinitarian doctrine of the Undivided Church (i.e. the Orthodox Church - L.P.), must at least be characterized as a militant "Pneumatomonism". The well-known Orthodox theologian Paul Evdokimov [505] significantly observed that, while the Son is the image of the Father and the Spirit the image of the Son, the Paraclete remains until the day of the Parousia without any full image which would reveal and testify to Him. This sacred paradox, which at first glance appears to be a disadvantage for the third person of the Holy Trinity, is in reality His deepest personal attribute and grandeur. ... As one may easily see, this our interpretation would without any difficulty comply with the profound spirit of the entire Christian ethics, according to which the individual and even the whole Church has never received the gifts of the Spirit sufficiently. This is precisely why the well-known characteristics of the Church, being "one, holy, catholic and apostolic", remain until the day of the Parousia both gifts and postulates at the same time.» (emphasis by Stylianos, underlined by us - L.P.)
The speech of Dr. Chung, Professor of Theology, a female Presbyterian participant from Korea, in keeping with the theme of this Assembly, was dedicated to a spirit, or "spirits" to be more precise. This speaker presented a show -- a mixture of black magic and spiritualism: surrounded by ritual masks she kindled a flame in her palm accompanying this act by incantations in English. Participants of this Assembly, including 38 messengers from the Moscow Patriarchate, saw and heard, while some of them possibly also participated in this blasphemous act, which began with the words: "Welcome, Holy Spirit! May your rhythm revive us! Come Holy Spirit and make the Universe new!" This was followed by the summoning of the spirits of "infants killed by Herod; the souls of crusaders, aborigines of different countries who died in colonial wars, the souls of people killed in China and Lithuania". She remembered also "the spirit of the earth, air and water, this spirit crucified by greedy passions of man". At the end of the show she called out: "Come, Spirit of Jesus Who was crucified!" [506]
After the show, this South Korean ecumenist warmly thanked participants of the Assembly for the attention given to her plenary report. Among other things she said: "I consider that what matters is power. Whoever has the power, gives direction. Who may lead and dictate when we deal with the power of the Holy Spirit? Until now, the right to lead was in the hands of the Church authorities, Holy Fathers, men, scholars, the class of privileged people in civilized countries. I announce that now, we represent the new, postcolonial generation, we are the new paradigm, the new wine, which cannot be poured into old wineskins. Yes, we are dangerous! But here too, the Holy Spirit does his part; by renewing the church it helps mankind to survive" [507]
So, this is the new paradigm of the new church! The terrible other side of ecumenism, this dark phenomenon of our days which loves to disguise itself in humane, egalitarian and peace-loving garments.
The World Council of Churches which Metropolitan Kirill (Gundyaev) called "our communal house" [508] has all too-openly bared its anti-Christian essence. This makes it impossible for us to regard this organization and the objectives it pursues, as a manifestation of "Christian love, "striving towards unity", or "witness of Christianity in the secularized world".
The atmosphere of this ecumenical meeting was, it appears, so stifling that it gave rise to criticism even amongst some theologically tolerant and liberal ecumenists-participants.
Ecumenical blasphemy manifests itself in different ways. It is noteworthy also that the same publication of the Sixth Assembly has printed the mocking picture of a Crucifix, among other spiritually ugly ones, as well as the picture of a completed Tower of Babel, as a symbol of peoples once again united (in apostasy?) [509], and the Bulletin of the Seventh Assembly held in Canberra which has the title "Assembly Line" that bears a very remote relation to religion, contains a smutty image of a female "trinity" [510].
This Seventh Universal Assembly abounded in impudent challenges thrown at Christianity. Particularly scandalous was the "Orthodox" liturgy conducted on the rostrum of the conference hall. The same rostrum which served as the stage for Prof. Chung's performance, for theatrical performances and also ritual dancing of the Australian aborigines.
It may be easily assumed that this service conducted amongst heretics and outspoken idolaters, was neither a Liturgy of the catechumens, and even less a Liturgy of the faithful.
The meeting in Canberra abounded in abominable acts. A photograph displayed in the third issue of the Bulletin depicts clouds of smoke rising above the bonfire made by aborigines which, according to the text under the photo, "purifies" the participants of the Assembly on their way to a church services [511].
One cannot help but recall the holy martyrs, the pious Prince Michael of Chernigov and his boyar Theodore (+1246, commemorated Feb. 14 and Sept 20) who preferred martyrdom to walking through the ritual heathen bonfire! The council of the ungodly in Canberra offered a variety of "church services". Besides the "mass" of sodomites there were "silent" services of the Quakers [512], "hot services" of the Evangelical church, accompanied by jazz music (in the announcement they were referred to as "Go Hot Gospel") [513]. On the rostrum of the conference hall, half-naked African musicians and aborigines with their deafening music were creating, apparently, a distinctive audio background for joint interconfessional "prayers", thus preparing the ground for the "unification of all in eucharistic communion". The words said by Metropolitan Kirill (Gundyaev) are of interest in this connection. We quote them verbatim: "I am deeply convinced that the churches should take with them whatever takes place at the Assembly, carry it within themselves (!), and take it to their people. By doing this they will prove that ecumenism is the movement of churches, and not just of individual representatives of the theological elite who have come to Canberra and who view the results of the Assembly with indifference." [514]
The results of this last (and the previous) Assemblies of the World Council of Churches are far from irrelevant to all those who love Christ! The path of ecumenism is the path of syncretism that leads to perdition.
According to Archbishop Vitaly (now Metropolitan and the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad) "here we have ancient Arianism, Monophysitism, Monothelitism, Iconoclasm, Pelagianism, and simply all kinds of perverted beliefs under completely different names of contemporary sects, which have joined together to take the Church by storm. This phenomenon is certainly of an apocalyptic nature" [515].
Christ's warning words about "the false prophets in sheep's clothing", who "inwardly... are ravening wolves" (Mt. 7, 15) are particularly comprehensible to those of us, who witness "Orthodox" hierarchs-ecumenists corrupting their clergy and their flock with this soul-destroying heresy. When accepting Ecumenism, people lose their spiritual vision and will be quite well prepared to receive, instead of Christ, the one who will come in his own name, i.e. Antichrist.
It is hardly surprising therefore that true Orthodox Christians, particularly monks, do not want to have anything in common with ecumenists, including the ruling "Orthodox" Archbishops, who have tainted themselves by participating in this anti-Christian movement.
An upholder of Orthodoxy, St. Joseph of Volotsk, based his canonical views on the idea that hierarchical status is valid only on the condition that hierarchs remain faithful to Holy Tradition. According to St. Joseph, the principle of church discipline remains intact as long as the hierarchs satisfy the requirements of their high position. As to priests and bishops violating this faithfulness, St. Joseph quotes St. Athanasius the Great: "It is better to assemble in church for prayer without them than to be cast into hell fire in the fashion of Annah and Caiaphas." Let us remember that St. Joseph of Volotsk himself, in spite of his rank of Abbot, was not afraid to expose the Metropolitan of All Russia who turned out to be a heretic.
Feb. 7-20 of 1991 in Canberra. The main theme of the Assembly was the Holy Spirit: "Come Holy Spirit, Make New All Creation". Which Spirit was there? The Holy Spirit or another Spirit?
''Orthodox" Bishops and Priests listen to this Holy Romanian Orthodox Priests and repent God will forgive you.
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